We are a non-profit committed to improving healthcare in Haiti.

We help alleviate human suffering in Haiti by administer medical care free-of-charge to impoverished citizens, and educate Morne Coma residents on preventive medical care.


About Haiti Healthcare on the Horizon

Haiti Healthcare on the Horizon (HHH) is a non-profit committed to the humanitarian effort of delivering sweeping improvements in healthcare in Haiti. We, the founders of HHH, are a committed corps of expatriate, US-educated, mission-driven individuals (supported by friends). We came together to create this organization because we knew about the troubled Haiti healthcare structure.

Our Plans

Building a clinic

We are constructing a state-of-the-art facility to provide primary and preventive medical care to Morne Coma residents.

Expanding our reach

Our treatment and care will also be extended to the neighboring communities of Fond des Negres, Vieux Bourg and Virgille. In the long run, HHH will expand further and offer medical care to all Haitians who are able to reach the medical facility.

Educating for a healthier lifestyle

We prioritize a proactive approach to disease prevention and promote a healthy lifestyle. We use evidence-based preventive services, knowing that they are the most cost-effective, especially in an already destitute area.


See how HHH makes a lasting impact on the Haitian healthcare system in this archive of our work and experiences, along with updates on conditions in Haiti.

Haiti: Dealing with the Pandemic

Haiti: Dealing with the Pandemic

Empowering Haiti in a Pandemic 2021. But How? Through the COVID Pandemic, there have already been 11,692 cases as of Feb 2021. Of those, countless Haitians have

Volunteer Opportunities

Medical Assistance

Speech-Language Pathologists, Physiotherapists

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Teachers / Educators

Speech-Language Pathologists

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Skilled Workers

Agronomists, Builders, Plumbers, Electricians

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Make your difference in Haiti

Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world, and this medical corps intervention will help alleviate human suffering in the region. With your generous contributions (which are 100% tax-deductible), you are empowering HHH to promote preventive care in some of the most impoverished areas of Haiti.

We are incredibly grateful to you for your generous donation to our organization.